nerve wounding often
causes abnormalities in the cornea and even blindness in
severe cases. In this study, we construct a dorsal root ganglion-corneal stromal
cell (DRG-CSC, DS) co-culture 3D model to explore the mechanism of
corneal nerve
regeneration. Firstly, this model consists of DRG collagen grafts
sandwiched by orthogonally stacked and orderly arranged CSC-laden plastic
compressed collagen. Nerve bundles extend into the entire corneal
stroma within 14 days, and they also have orthogonal patterns. This
nerve prevents CSCs from apoptosis in
the serum withdrawal medium. The conditioned medium (CM) for CSCs in collagen
scaffolds contains NT-3, IL-6, and other factors. Among them, NT-3 notably
promotes the activation of ERK-CREB in the DRG, leading to the growth of nerve
bundles, and IL-6 induces the upregulation of anti-apoptotic genes. Then,
LM22B-10, an activator of the NT-3 receptor TrkB/TrkC, can also activate
ERK-CREB to enhance nerve growth. After administering LM22B-10 eye drops to
regular and diabetic mice with corneal wounding, LM22B-10 significantly
improves the healing speed of the corneal
epithelium, corneal sensitivity, and corneal nerve density. Overall, the DS
co-culture model provides a promising platform and tools for the exploration of
corneal physiological and pathological mechanisms, as well as the verification
of drug effects in vitro. Meanwhile, we confirm that LM22B-10, as a
non-peptide small
molecule, has future potential in nerve wound
of significance
cornea accounts for most of the refractive power of the eye. Corneal nerves
play an important role in maintaining corneal homeostasis.
Once the corneal nerves are damaged, the corneal
epithelium and stroma develop lesions. However, the mechanism of the
interaction between corneal nerves and corneal cells is still not fully
understood. Here, we construct a corneal stroma-nerve co-culture in
vitro model and reveal that NT-3 expressed by stromal cells promotes
nerve growth by activating the ERK-CREB pathway in nerves. LM22B-10, an
activator of NT-3 receptors, can also induce nerve growth in vitro.
Moreover, it is used as eye drops to enhance corneal epithelial wound healing,
corneal nerve sensitivity and density of nerve
plexus in corneal nerve wounding model in vivo.